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This account is best suited for you, if you want to sell just one or may be a few vehicles. It’s the ideal choice for individuals who want to sell online.
Sell as IndividualThis type of account is best suited for you, if you want to sell multiple vehicles. It’s the ideal choice for dealers or companies that intend to sell online or already selling online
Sell as Pro-SellerTechnician Name :Ninja
Technician Contact :Not Availaible
To calculate this score we take into account all important trust factors such as warranty, verified seller, attractiveness of pricing for buyer, and level of disclosures by the sellers etc.
Still not sure about buying this vehicle? Clear all your doubts about vehicle history, price & Condition with this Peace of mind Package
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1.Prices shown may vary with change in government rules and regulations.
2.Price is susceptible to technological disruptions in the industry.
3.Discontinuation/New Model launches may influence the price of the vehicles.
4.The actual condition of the vehicle at time of sale will impact the price.
5.Prices shown may vary with change/modification/upgradation in the features of OBV website & app.
6.Droom disclaims all liabilities in relation to the use of, or otherwise in connection with, the prices shown on OBV website & app. Droom will not take responsibility of any transaction that takes place by relying on the prices shown.
7.The user shall be bound by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the OBV website & app in addition to these terms.
* T&C Applied and Subject to availability in the location
Interest Rate: 12 % , Downpayment: 0%, Processing Fee: RM 3444 , File Charges: RM 60, Pre-payment penalty: RM 100
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