Mercedes-Benz may not bring its long-wheelbase C-class to India

  • Published On: 2 March 2017

Mercedes says the longer C may not be joining its elder E and S-class siblings.

Soon after Mercedes launched its new E-class in its longer wheelbase (LWB) version came the news that they will, in fact, not be doing the same with their C-class. Mercedes’ data indicates that close to 80 percent of its E-class customers are chauffeur-driven and take to the wheel only on weekends, if at all they do. Thus, the launch of a long-wheelbase (LWB) only was, as per the company, a ‘no-brainer'.

However, the C-class has a much lower figure, with only around 30 percent of its customers being chauffeur-driven. Therefore, making a LWB C-class is not ideal for the Indian market. When asked about the move, Roland Folger, MD and CEO, Mercedes Benz India said that though the shorter wheelbase is best suited to C-class customers, offering an additional LWB option isn’t financially viable. India and China are the only two substantial markets where the need for LWB cars still exists, so production costs would prove quite hefty.

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