Delhi police working on instant response code for taxi commuters

  • Published On: 4 April 2017

A code will read the details of the driver and vehicle and allow a customer's entire journey to be tracked.

In an attempt to increase safety for women passengers, Delhi police may soon be launching a new QR (Quick Response) app. The app is for all kinds of public Vehicles in Delhi and is aimed to track the owners and drivers in case of any misbehaviour. They will be soon asked to formally register for a larger database.

Special Commissioner of Police (Women Safety, Airport and Modernisation) Sanjay Beniwal said such an app was needed to make women feel safe while travelling and ensure that the crime rate stays low. “After the Nirbhaya incident, most women in the capital feel insecure using public transport, especially in the late hours. Even the metro rail has become too overcrowded, forcing people to use private vehicles and public transport. The main aim of the QR code, which will be monitored at a control room, is to improve security for women using public transportation, including cabs during late hours," he continued. The police are looking to regulate the number of cycles and rickshaws on the street as well as keeping a check on taxis and autos. 

The QR code monitoring system reads the details of the driver and the vehicle and allows a customer’s entire journey to be tracked.

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