1 Lakh Challans Issued During Lock-down: Delhi Traffic Police Gets on the Act

  • Published On: 20 May 2020

Delhi Traffic Police issues 1 Lakh challans during Coronavirus Lockdown period.

With the technology in place, Delhi Traffic Police has sent over 1 Lakh Challans through SMS for offences captured on their traffic cameras during Coronavirus Lockdown period. An official statement by the Delhi Traffic Police said, “The Delhi Traffic Police would be prioritising action against improper parking and lane violation during driving in the coming weeks to decongest driving space on the road and to make road driving more safe". 

During the Lockdown period from March 25th to May 17th 2020, the Delhi Traffic Police changed its enforcement strategy. With the Coronavirus Pandemic at its peak, physical traffic enforcement made way to modern electronic enforcement to protect the health of Delhi Traffic Police personnel and the general public. The traffic police sent around 7,998 notices in regards to violations against improper parking all registered through Violation on Camera App. 

Delhi Police

According to the document, during this period Delhi Traffic Police have issued total of 1,00,436 notices through SMS and 80 notices through speed post under compoundable offence category based on violations captured by cameras. They have also stated that during the same period, the department distributed immunity booster kit, and encouraged practice of yoga among traffic staff to keep them in good health. With the help of public support, the traffic ranges had organised food, mask, sanitiser distribution for the poor and needy.  

"Because of the pandemic situation, we have also organised the counselling session for Traffic staff through webinars. Many prominent hospitals have come forward to sensitise Delhi Police Staff about Covid-19. DCsP/Traffic Ranges have been nominated as Nodal Health Officer for the range, who is briefing and sensitising the staff regarding prevention and protection from Covid-19 infection", claimed the statement. 

Read Also: Coronavirus Lockdown Update: Mahindra & Mahindra Offer New Finance Schemes


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