Droom vs Seller responsibilties




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Price an Item to Sell Droom suggests you to survey the market and put the right price tag. You can use Droom's Orange Book Value to get the price recommendation for a vehicle
Score Well in Droom Full Circle Trust Score Droom can only help you with best practices to get higher score, but its seller's responsibilty to get a higher score
Close Transaction within Transaction Closure Period
Handle Customer Support Droom offers customer support to help you sell more
Answer to Customer Queries All queries related to condition and paperwork must be answered by a seller Droom takes care of all queries related to our transactional platform, buyer protection, commitment fee (Token Amount) and more
Marketing and Promotions Seller can also participate in promotional programs only after consent from Droom
Coupons and Deals You can contact droom to put your listings under Droom coupons to sell more and seller faster Droom creates various coupons and deals to promote your listings and online showroom
Delete Listing(s) If Not Available
Create Quality Listing - More Pictures, Seller Declaration, Accurate Listing Details
Provide Excellent Service During Transaction Closure