Store Manager for Pro-Seller Business

Droom offers each seller an easy to use platform that allows him/her to take hold of entire business through a single point. Store Manager is an auto dealer’s self-service panel to manage his end to end business online with Droom.

Store Manager for Pro-seller Business offers a customized experience for pro-seller with business account. This will equip an business to have more visibility across their Dealer network and help in better management.

The Store Manager account for a Pro-Seller Business will have a customized dashboard and left navigation menu with the following:

Home – This tab navigates the user to Pro-Seller Business dashboard.

Home tab gives the following details:

  1. Total dealers, orders, listings, revenue generated by the entire dealer network
  2. Graphical representation of their transactions to see growth over a period
  3. Refunded, cancelled, disputed, completed orders against total orders is represented graphically
  4. Star performers of the month, based on the number of orders received for that month
  5. Best selling vehicles, based on the units sold of each MMYT
  6. Graphical representation of number of orders received marked, against each quarter, month or week.
  7. Associated dealer network, with details like dealer’s name, location, number of active listings, orders in different statuses like committed, completed and refunded. They will also act as a gateway to view associated dealer’s listings and orders based on each status
  8. Option to search associated dealers by location
  9. There will also be an option to search associated dealer by handle or business name and view corresponding dealers dashboard/home

Dealer Network – This tab navigates the Pro-Seller Business user to Dealer Network section which allows them to view and add pro-sellers under their Pro-Seller Business on Droom. Pro-Seller Business will be able to do the following from this tab

  1. Search an existing pro-seller account with Droom and invite to join their network
  2. Invite a new pro-seller to register with Droom and join its network
  3. See the list of all pro-sellers who are added to the network with basic details and links to see their respective dashboards, listings and orders
  4. Upload and maintain a list of offline dealers
  5. View the list of all offline dealers added
  6. Pro-Seller Business can transfer miles to a pro-seller in its network

Droom Miles – This tab navigates the Pro-Seller Business users to Droom miles. Pro-Seller Business can buy and transfer generic miles.

Steps to Transfer Miles to a Pro-Seller

Click on the name of a pro-seller to go to his/her dashboard
step 1
Click on the button ‘Transfer Miles’
step 2
If you have less miles in your account, click on “Add and Transfer” given at the bottom to Purchase Miles the miles and transfer them immediately
step 3

Pro-seller Business would be able to transfer generic miles to an associated pro-seller. In case a pro-seller Business does not have droom miles to transfer they can purchase the same via express check out & transfer them to the same pro-seller.

Settings – This tab navigates to settings page where Business can manage their company profile and KYC.

Listings – This tab allows an Business user to view all listings which are created by the associated pro-sellers. As an Business pro-seller, you can filter the view for all pro-sellers in your network and see their listings. By default, any listing made by the Pro-seller Business account itself would appear in this tab.

Following are the listing details that you would see on click of a seller`s Listings details:

  1. DLID
  2. Listing Status
  3. MMYT
  4. Colour (in case of new)
  5. Selling Price

Order – This tab helps an Pro-seller Business user to view all orders along with statuses that associated pro-sellers have received. As a Pro-seller Business, you would be able to filter the view for all pro-sellers in your network and see orders of the associated dealers. By default, any orders made by the Pro-seller Business account itself would appear in this tab.

Following are the listing details that you would see on click of a seller`s order details:

  1. Order ID
  2. DLID
  3. Order Status
  4. MMYT
  5. Colour
  6. Quantity sold
  7. Selling Price

Billing and Payment Reports – This tab navigates to the billing and payment section, where Pro-seller Business can see their and associated dealers’ BPP section and reports. A Pro-seller Business account user can see the billing and payment reports for all pro-sellers in its network. There is a filter on top to select a specific pro-seller account. Pro-seller business user can select an associated pro-seller from the filter & view the payout history & download the invoice as well.

Steps to View Listings And Orders Of A Pro-Seller

Click on the ‘Action’ button given with the specific pro-seller details.
step 1
Select the desired action like view listing, view orders and remove dealers.
step 2