Verified SellerVerified Seller

At we assure every user, whether a buyer or seller, gets one-of-a-kind experience while transacting online. Verifying the sellers is one way to build trust and transparency amongst the buyers and sellers.

Verified sellers convey higher level of trust and credibility. Being a verified seller increases your chances of finding buyers quickly. They are more reliable and authentic with all the genuine and accurate details.

Verified Sellers also get a special Verified Seller Badge, a symbol of higher trust.

There’s no fee required to get yourself verified. You can be a verified seller for free of cost.

How to be a Verified Seller

Simply verify your registered email id and mobile number through Droom app for Android and iOS user. Below are steps to verify your email id and mobile number.

  • Go to Menu option on top left of the screen
  • Click My Account
  • Click My Profile
  • Click “Verify Now” corresponding to email id and mobile number