How to Bulk Upload Listings using StoreManager

Droom is a self-service platform where you can list your vehicle in less than 3 minutes and start selling online.

Login to your account on Droom, using your registered email id and password
step 1
Go to "Selling" option given on left hand side of the screen
step 2
Click on "My Regular Listings". This tab gives you an option to create a new listing and get the details of existing listings, which may be listed under Fixed Price, Best Offer or Auctions
step 3
Click on "Bulk Upload" option, given on top of the screen
step 4
A pop-up window will appear. Click on the drop down button and select the vehicle category for bulk upload
step 5
Click on the link to download the Bulk Upload template for respective category. Choose the category new or used vehicles to download the template
step 6
After downloading the Bulk Upload template (for new or used vehicles) on your phone/laptop/desktop, fill the sheet with the required details of the vehicle and send it to us at from your registered email id or mention your DID or company name (handle name) in the mail. Our catalog team experts will help you in uploading and activating your listings on Droom’s online platform.