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Pro-Seller Subscription

If you are serious about growing your business online, then consider being a Pro-Seller Premium0 and enjoy extra benefits that are not given to the basic Pro-Sellers. Premium Pro-Sellers get their own branded online showroom that’s open 24x7 along with Pro-Seller Badge depicting a symbol of higher trust and reliability. They get account management tools, access to advance business analytics in Store Manager, special seller marketing programs, and more.
Droom provides a free 3 months trial subscription as a Premium Pro-Seller. During the trail time you get all the benefits and privileges enjoyed by a Premium Pro-Seller on Droom. Seller can access store manager, multi user login, advance business analytics, online branded showroom, deal and promotion programs and more. After three months a sellers can upgrade to Premium Pro-Seller or can continue to use Basic Pro-Seller account.
After 3 months free trial is over you automatically become a Basic Pro-Seller. This means all the features and benefits you enjoy as a Premium Pro-Seller are deactivated. But you can upgrade your account to premium any point of time.